Carolina's Sessions are based in Tantra Healing Techniques  & Chakras Activation, Cleanse and  Purification.

Be sexy and wild!

As we raise our energy, we feel more open and alive to embrace our sexuality and shadows with more consciousness.

Any blocks where energy was not flowing will become opened up as we activate our life force energy. Energy blocks manifest as feeling stuck, shut down and shielded. They can also manifest into emotional and physical distortions and illnesses, whereas free-flowing energy helps us feel radiantly alive and well.

Energy rising up is like water rushing through pipes, clearing away any dirt that has gathered there and bringing a fresh new flow to everything.


  1. Clearing is the removal of energy that is not serving us. It could be energy that is making us feel unwell or encouraging behaviours that keep us from living our ideals.
  2. Energy expenditure concerns the energy we express, manifest, or put out in the world.
  3. Energetic Nourishment, just like physical nourishment, is the energy that we take in consciously or unconsciously.One is not more important than the other ; rather, they all work together to create a healthy whole that is more then the sum of its parts.

"The biggest embrace of love you'll ever make is to embrace yourself completely. Then you'll realize you've just embraced the whole universe, and everything and everybody in it." 

Shamanic Services

"Private Healing Sessions online or in person"

with Sacred Shamanic Oracle - Intuitive Card Reading

Energy Cleanse and Intuitive Body Scan shared trough visions and guidance channelled by the Divine I AM presence related to past, present and future experiences.

In my healing sessions, I open my field taking the client's energy into myself. It is a connection where observation transforms into knowing. Analysis turns into experience. Speculations into intuition. Intellectual knowledge into embodied wisdom. I feel and see through the client within myself, guiding them to a greater certainty and accuracy as to what is happening on deeper levels. Together we bring clarity to the suffering and straggles experiences allowing the process of healing to be manifest.

It is a treatment that involves the transfer of energy through the healer to the patient. It promotes self-healing by relaxing the body releasing tensions and strengthening the body’s own immune system. My clients also receive guidance and confirmations from the Universe thorough my intuitive Oracle card reading. 


Oracle card reading, is a form of divination. In other words, they are one of many techniques that enable us to have a direct dialogue with Spirit.


The Healing process is natural and non-invasive with the intention of bring more awareness, balance and well being on all levels.

•Reduces pain

•Deepens inner peace,

•Bring clarity to life, experiences and life decisions,

•Alleviation of physical symptoms,

•Increases connection with our heart and feelings,

•Increases health and vitality,

•Better understanding of the body frequencies,

•Place Improvement of positive manifestations.

 Smudge Ceremony

Divine Activation and Distribution of the SACRED HEALING WATER

Participate in shamanic healing and cleanse ceremonies that bring positive energy and purification into our home and/or office space.

Energy clearing and cultivation are great practices for making our home, office, or even our car feel good and safe. Good energy management can create a life with greater balance and peace, but energy work goes much further than that. When we take of our on energy, we are more stable and able to attend to the energy around us. After clearing and containing basic health, we can cultivate the energy within us and around us to support certain qualities or goals such as protection, abundance, kindness or creativity. We attend to ourselves so that we are strong, liberated and able to live our soul's purpose in the world. In order to sleep well, make good decisions, to make appropriate course corrections and to live our soul's purpose, we have to be energetically clear.


Its a beautiful and powerful Ceremony of cleanse and purification of the heart connected with our living and working space.

Shamanic Massage

Ancient Oil & Spine Flow - Kundalini Activation with Vibrational Sound Healing - Tuning  Fork 

Carolina combined her energy healing with the natural healing power of Mother Nature, she created a powerful Ancient Healing Oil with more then 13 types of Ancient Wild Chinese Herbs with incredibly healing benefits. Since then, she’s been constantly helping to improve the well-being of her clients both physically and spiritually through her treatments. Trough Her Massage, she will help you to be more connected with your body and spirit. Her guidance helps us to open our heart and receive self-love. Her sacred blended Oil releases the body pain and inflammations, calming the mind and increasing the energy healing. These high frequency energies are absorbed within the body and create an environment for optimum health activating the DNA replacing old cells restoring the body. The combination of Shamanic Bodywork is an ancient technique used for aligning the body with the mind and spirit. 

An Ancient Technique

Shamanic Massage is an ancient technique which utilizes the powers of the earth in order to reconnect the mind and body; allowing you to re-attune in your wholeness and enter into deeper realms of consciousness.

The benefits of Shamanic Massage and Bodywork have been recognized for hundreds of years, and are utilized in order to eliminate deep muscle - nerve pain and inflammations, release fatigue and dense energy, manage stress and anxiety, and provide a deep emotional cleansing.

Each session is completely bespoke; tailoring the approach to the presenting needs of the individual client. It's important to remain open and receptive to connecting with your spirit and going deeper in your journey.


“The most sacred part of the human body is the brain and spinal system, revered from all antiquity and symbolized again and again in all the religions of the world. While other parts of the body are of great interest to the student, the mysterious working of the spinal fires by means of which liberation is finally attained is so tremendous that many years must be spent in understanding even the fundamental principles. The spine is the rod which budded, the Yggdrasil Tree, the flaming sword, the staff of comfort, the wand of the Magi.”Manly P. Hall


Spine Flow Technique Kundalini Activation 

Carolina is a Spine Flow Practitioner with the vision of bring more healing support to her clients.

The Spinal Flow Technique is a philosophy, a science, and an intuitive, hands-on approach that prompts our spine and nervous system to release stress and help heal itself. 

There is an innate intelligence inside every human body to grow, repair and heal itself. Just as our gut digests our food, our hair grows and our heart beats naturally, our bodies know how to harness this innate intelligence – or Life Force Energy – to heal and grow.

The spine and nervous system is the pathway through which Life Force Energy flows. Unreleased stress creates a blockage in the spine which prevents the flow of Life Force Energy.

The Spinal Flow Technique has effectively healed people with a wide range of conditions including:

  • Chronic pain
  • Headaches
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Digestive issues
  • Reproductive issues
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • “Mystery” illnesses

And many more

🌟 The 10 Principles of Spinal Flow:

1. There is a healing intelligence which flows through the nervous system of every living being.

2. The potential for healing is proportional to the amount of Ease and Life Force Energy that flows through the seven gateways of the spine.

3. Blockages in the spine restrict the potential for healing.

4. Pain, illness and dis-ease are signs of a blockage in the spine.

5. Blockages are the result of unreleased physical, chemical or emotional stress.

6. Your symptoms can tell you which gateway is storing a blockage.

7. You have the power to release your own blockages.

8. Your body will move towards health when it is provided with the right conditions.

9. The healing intelligence of the body can be felt via a Spinal Flow.

10. When the Flow travels through the entire spine it allows healing Life Force Energy to connect to every cell of our body.

Spinal Flow truly is amazing work! I am grateful to have found it and even more grateful to share it with you all! you can experience this modality for yourself. I am excited to see you on my table and even more excited to support you in your personal healing journey. 

Shamanic Tantra Sessions

Empower Wholeness Intimacy

Individual or couple

"Sexual Energy Healing & Activation"

Discover the Path from Sex to Spirit.

Tantra is about merging. Its about uniting

It's about making love.

TANTRA is a about full-body awakening, not just a shift of the mind or consciousness.

This awakening is known as the awakening of the energy body. The energy body is the life force that flows through and around the physical body.

When the full body is awakened then a person has an aliveness and radiance about them.


Classical Tantric theory says that it is through the activation of the energy body that the mind can awaken to its true nature, we activate Shakti (love) energy to awaken Shiva (truth) consciousness. The path to God is through Goddess. The path to truth is through love. The Tantric path to awakening is via energy activation, is about consciously raising energy, from the heavier energies up to the higher lighter vibrations. It's not getting away from the heavier more grounded parts of our lives, but also including expanded moments between the two gracefully.

These expanded moments might be through Tantric lovemaking, but also through dance, song, creativity, yoga, breath-work and energy work.


"Our lives feel more complete when we raise energy; when we feel and express energies in the full range".


A man’s sexual power is the foundation of his worldly and spiritual success.
When you know that you're a master of your sexual energy, your confidence skyrockets. And there's nothing that you're going to be afraid to do because you're ahead of the game, you’ve made it. Sex energy is so magnetic, when you consciously cultivate your sexual energy it's going to pull in the things that you want to bring into your life.
Our sexual energy brings us out from our very primal instincts: to protect ourselves, to fight, and be locked up with tension. It brings us out to a higher connective desire. The desire to bond, to grow, to birth, to birth new things, creative projects, to recreate ourselves. This is the power of sexual energy.
Are you feeling fully connected to your sexual power? 

Customer Testimonials

"I had an incredible shamanic healing session with Carolina. Her energy and guidance helped me release emotional blockages and find a sense of peace I hadn't felt in years." - Sarah


"The energy healing ceremonies at Natural Healing Organic Lifestyle have been a transformative experience for me. I feel more grounded, balanced, and connected to my inner self after attending these powerful ceremonies." - Michael


"I loved my session I learned so much more about myself and it really gave me a truthful honest look about my life and made me realize the positive steps I need to take in my journey on this path of life I must take, thank you so much." - Crystal Draskoczi

"Carolina's energy healing has brought a sense of peace and clarity into my life. I highly recommend her shamanic massage to anyone seeking spiritual guidance and emotional relief" 

"I've had the privilege of experiencing Carolina's shamanic healing sessions. Her deep connection to ancient healing practices is truly remarkable."

Experience Holistic Healing with Carolina

Take the first step towards holistic wellness with our transformative services and products. Embrace a life of passion, balance, harmony, and wellness.


  • Increased vitality and life force energy with DNA activation
  • Increase libido 
  • Strengthened immune system
  • Ability to let go of deeply rooted patterns 
  • Healing of emotional traumas and conditioning
  • Ability to move past issues that previously kept you feeling stuck
  • Clarity with your intentions and goals
  • Ability to make more conscious and healthier choices
  • Removal of heavy and dense energies 
  • Expanded sense of wholeness and well-being
  • Enhanced ability to create desired life changes
  • Deep sense of inner peace
  • Feeling more grounded and better able to make decisions

How was your experience with Natural Healing Organic Lifestyle? 

 Carolina appreciates your Thoughts and Feelings