Meet Carolina: Your Trusted Guide to Ancient Healing

Brief Biography

Carolina's journey into the world of healing began at a young age, where she discovered her intuitive gifts and passion for ancient healing practices. Over the years, she has honed her skills as a master shaman, gaining extensive knowledge and experience in the field. Her dedication to helping others achieve wellness has led her to create Natural Healing Organic Lifestyle, where she can share her gifts with the world.

" Welcome to my LIFE JOURNEY"


Our psychic and healer Carolina was born in Brazil in 1980 in a small town from Sao Paulo state called Angatuba - a Tupi Guarani indigenous word that means House of the Spirit. Her childhood has been beautifully immersed in nature and in a strong family bond that has brought her today to use her desires as her mission, bringing ancient remedies to the modern world to help people to experience their divinity through taking care of themselves.

The natural world has always amazed Carolina. Wherever she have found herself stuck in the ways she relate to things, she return to Nature, It is her principal teacher, her home, where she opens her whole being to what it has to say. Carolina is devoted to the power of nature to alchemize and create truly high vibrational medicines for the mind, body and soul. She believes that by preserving ancient forms of healing, we keep alive a very sacred aspect to our source.

She moved to Canada in 2011 and she has been working with shamanism since 2016 when she had her spiritual awakening. Since then, she has been journeying and working with different psychedelic spirit medicine, which has brought powerful insights, healing and transformation into her life. She has started to work and co-create with Mother Nature since then.
She also is the guide and facilitator of Grandmother Aya Healing Retreat Ceremonies in Edmonton, AB since 2021 & she makes her own Healing Products.

She uses her energy, wisdom and the natural healing properties of her medicine in service to others. She is also specialized  in  energy healing life force activation. Throughout her journey of self-love, self-healing and self-mastery, she found her calling to help heal others by sharing with people her psychic abilities through energy healing retreat ceremonies, private sessions, shamanic massage  and ancient medicinal remedies, supporting people with  emotional, physical and mental health balance. Since the human body is really energy makes sense to use energy based products and techniques that help us to rise and activate the frequency of the body promoting healing and balance. 
With a strong foundation in traditional healing practices and a deep connection to the spiritual realm,  Carolina is committed to guiding individuals on their journey towards healing, self-discovery and self-mastery.

Her purpose is to continue to remind herself and others of the Divine Love that we are, an inspiration to live life to the fullest and courageous express our highest potential and truest nature.

"My Journey with Psychedelics' Medicine"


I cannot forget to mention that since the beginning of my awakening process in 2016, I started to have my connections with different types of Sacred psychedelics medicine such as Mushrooms, DMT, Cannabis, saint Pedro and Ayahuasca. In those experiences, I started to activated and be aware of my sacred spiritual gifts from past lives. Journeying with Ayahuasca, the spirit of Grandmother Aya plant told me to share Her sacred power, love, healing and transformations with those that are feeling her calling from the sacred heart.

I am so grateful that I answered Her Calling and since November of 2021 I started to Facilitate and be the guide of Grandmother Aya Jangle Night Retreat Ceremonies, channelling Her powerful messages and activations helping people to heal themselves.

Thankful to the all psychedelic's medicine, I am able to accelerate the process of my awakening journey, heal my past from emotional traumas, free my mind from the Matrix program ( ego fear based) and activate my spiritual gifts from thousands of years ago, what is giving me the opportunity to use my natural abilities and energy in service of Humanity.

Qualifications & Experiences

Carolina's qualifications as a master shaman, intuitive healer, life coach, and spiritual guide are backed by years of training and self experience in the field of ancient healing. She has studied under renowned teachers and has integrated her leanings into her unique approach to healing, offering a holistic and transformative experience for her clients.


  • Woman Unveiled School of Women's Mysteries

Generation 9 2021 - 2022

Woman Unveiled Deeper Journey

Women's Empowerment Program

  • The Institute of Shamanic Medicine

Shamanic Power Program 2021 - 2022

    •   Brazilian Chakra dance & Reiki Healing Modalities 2023



Shift your World

  • Amplify essential Energy to Heal diseases e restore balance (7 modules)
  • Bringing Heaven & Earth with Healing Sounds of Crystals Bowls (7 Modules)
  • Answer the Call for an uncommon life through the Mystical Teachings of St. Hildegard ( 7 Modules)
  • Awaken your Inner Power through QI Gong & XI Breathing (7 Modules)
  • Ancestral Shamanic star Wisdom & Interdimensional Journeying to Heal your Soul & our Planet ( 7 Modules)

Unique Approach to Healing

Carolina's approach to healing is rooted in ancient wisdom and practices that have been proven to bring about profound transformation in her life. She combines her intuitive gifts with her deep understanding of ancient healing modalities to create a truly unique and powerful healing experience for her clients. Her goal is to guide you on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, allowing you to be the Master of your Destiny!

How Can I continue Serve the World?

In these times of massive unrest, chaos and confusion, worldwide, spiritual awakening cannot be limited to a mere personal journey of enlightenment. We are not in this alone.

The concept of enlightenment tends to conjure up images of a lone yogi in a cave, meditating for hours. However, if the Ultimate Truth reveals our interconnectedness with all of life, then we are not living our awakening unless we are sharing it. It is love that is going to make the difference and loving action that can change the world.

For some reason, truth and love have often become separated in the physical world, yet another form of a split between Shiva (truth) and shakti (love). If people feel they can speak truth whilst not practicing love, then they are rather deluded. The final union needs to occur. We can meditate to recognize truth, but then to be complete we need to learn compassion so that we can express that truth. So many wars have been fought in the name of religions belief. This is a classic case of what happens when truth and love become separated. The ultimate truth is love and needs no defense.

So it seems we urgently need spiritual systems that empower us to unite these apparent opposites. We need the tools to heal situations in which judgement and separation have been formed. We need structures that guide us in forgiveness and heart opening and help us to move the energy that has become blocked and distorted. We also need a new state of reverence for the Earth, this planet, the Divine Feminine in her form as Mother Earth. We need to make sure that the enlightenment of the heavens is connected with the enlivenment here on the earth.

There is some areas in which I feel I really give back to the world and can be integrated into society in various ways including:

1) Couples having access to support for their relationships, not only about fixing problems but also for nourishing love, joy and intimacy together.

2) Education for teenagers that promotes healthy relating and sacred, respectful intimacy and union.

3) Healing in the areas of sexual abuse and rape, working with both abusers and victims.

4) Tools of communication and connection used in areas where there has been gender or racial conflict.

5) Uniting of personal spiritual practice with practical environmental action.

6) Circles and Workshops:

  •  Sharing the Truth behind the systems called "MATRIX" helping Humanity in the process of awakening.
  • Sharing The Power of Mystical World connected with the truth of who we really are, an environment of healing and joy, dancing together or singing together, or we are standing holding hands in a silent circle creating a world of more love and Union.

There is a creative energy that is interconnected between everyone.

I see what happens when deep healing has occurred and projections have been cleared and there is a love in the air that is tangible.

I see people living truth and sharing that together.

I see that we are all here to wake each other up through our love.

I feel I have a glimpse of what is possible in the world and of how we could live if we knew it was possible.



Experience the Transformative Power of Ancient Healing

Connect with Carolina and embark on a journey towards holistic wellness today.