"Sacred Ceremonies

of the Heart" 

Every first Thursday

of the Month

Clair-I-tea 8118 gateway Blvd 



Our life is one magnificent Ceremony of the Heart

Welcome to the transformative journey of the Sacred Ceremonies of the Heart with Carolina, where we delve into the depths of the human spirit to uncover the Divine Nature within each of us. Through powerful healing ceremonies and ancient rituals, we facilitate the process of detoxifying negative energy and activating your DNA BLUE PRINT, while promoting self-love healing.  This is a ceremony that helps us to shift mindset and move energy from nothing to something. 

It is a magical monthly ceremony where Carolina share her knowledge, wisdom intuition and psychic abilities to guide and help folks tap back into old ways of magick and re-wilding their inner fire of life.

Her heart intention is that her words and actions leave a ripple in someone's life, shaping who they are, exchanging what they lose for what they are capable of co-creating & manifesting.

Unite in love and truth 

Unlocking Your Inner Divine


Join us on an enlightening journey from the mind to the heart, as we explore the frequencies of fear and love. Our ceremonies are designed to accelerate emotional and spiritual growth, remove energy blockages, release karmic wounds, and promote true self-love and inner wholeness. Through grounding energy, we aim to bring about a sense of inner peace, and ultimately achieve a spiritual awakening that free us from life’s bondages.


Healing and Manifesting Abundance

Carolina's  ceremonies also offer relaxation and stress reduction, enhanced creativity and intuition, increased focus and concentration, and the opportunity to discover your purpose in life. Additionally, you can manifest more abundance and health learning how to alchemize your heart intentions into a majestic life of more joy, love, and happiness. 

Sacred Lotus Tea Ceremony

As part of our sacred ceremonies of the Heart, we invite you to experience a healing tea ritual that nourishes the body, mind, and spirit. This ancient practice is designed to enhance the overall experience of our ceremonies and provide a holistic sense of balance and well-being.

Together we assist humanity in recognizing our Divine Nature.

It’s a powerful Circle of healing & Liberation created with the intention of lighten and transform our lives in a sacred space for us to join our energies, to heal, learn and grow with each other, uniting in love & light sharing positivity to those around us and the world.

It would be our honour to host you and to spend a sacred moment of energy healing & connection sharing our hearts with yours. 

Will be lovely to see you and heal with you!


Carolina OMG, it was such a beautiful magical evening with you and everyone in the circle. thank you again precious. Dolores

Amazing Healing Circle with Carolina. Definitely just what I needed. Michelle K.

It was just like a very very beautiful divine loving fire that kept our hearts warm with love. Thank you. Murray 

Experience the Transformation

I Let Grace Lead the Way

Take the first step and you will be shown

the next step and the one after that.

Know that life will love you every step of the way.

Embark on a journey of healing, self-discovery, and abundance. Join us for a Sacred Ceremony of the Heart and unleash the power of your divine nature.

Financial exchange of $ 20.00 to help support the expenses is required with gratitude.