Unlocking the Sacred GrandMother Aya Jungle Codes

Ayahuasca is a traditional  medicine from South America, a powerful spirit doctor that holds the most powerful wisdom of feminine energy of the jungle; part of an ancient system of healthcare; a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual cleanse.

A key component of the Ayahuasca experience is the process of cleansing through shedding our layers and letting go of everything that’s weighing us down. Purification and cleansing of mind, body, and spirit in a shamanic ceremony can be the beginning of a process of profound spiritual discovery and transformation. By releasing the old, heavy, dark and negative energies that we each carry we begin to experience the light, love and compassion that surrounds us.

Natural Healing Organic Lifestyle is dedicated to bridging the realms of ancient healing and energy activation.

Our purpose is to share a sacred transmission with you, bringing you a message from timelines of Egypt - Goddess ISIS, Lemuria, Atlantis, and Mother Gaia channeled by the plant spirit medicine GrandMother Aya, the Queen of the Jungle. Our founder and healer, Carolina, has attuned to a specific frequency stream through her original crystalline DNA structure, reactivated through the process of DNA activation. This frequency is the Blue Lotus Vine codes of the Divine GrandMother, and these messages have come as soul memories during her vision quests.

Each memory Carolina has experienced has felt like she was living and working among these ancient times. As a result, she is able to channel these ancient teachings and unite a field of love and liberation, protecting what is sacred in the Earth's Sacred Heart. Through the power of the serpent and the essence of the shakti Kundalini that lies within all of us, the creative sexual energy when harnessed can create huge shifts in consciousness, helping us to embrace all parts of ourselves as a whole and beautiful.

Jaguar Heart Woman 

Putting the soul back is only the first step in restoring oneself. This is not easy, learning to change the ways of life time, but with patience and understanding, Carolina's guidance and support can help us to learn to change.  She is here as a guide to lead us to our truth, unlocking the collective memories that lie dormant within our DNA. Healing beyond what we may believe is possible to retrieve our souls wisdom, just as the Jaguar does.
Soul retrievals are intended to retrieve the soul parts that were lost. Each piece has its own characteristic that once reintegrated will enhance our own capacities in that area.

When we allow ourselves to deepen into the discomfort, we will find our inner strength, our soul wisdom and our truth, preparing the way for our collective consciousness to shift into higher states of awareness. Healing through may layers to reclaim our sacred hearts.

The rising of the Divine Feminine

In this lifetime Carolina has been working to fully step into her power. Her visions began unlocking her past lives on Earth and the Stars. She remembered lifetimes as a witch, healer; her powerful connections and experiences as Goddess ISIS; not only helped me to become aware of my own stories and lifetimes where these wounds play out, but she began noticing that her clients shared similar patters and contracts. She believes we are all brought together to heal these wounds as the entire world was feeling the rise of the Divine Mother in all her rage.
We as a collective have been moving deeper into the shadows, the illusions, not to be lost but to be found. We are being asked to look beyond the veils, further past the mirrors and into the light of the truth. We are at a point in our evolution when we must look at our fears, we must embrace those hidden parts of ourselves. We must heal these karmic cycles for the cycle of ancient times to be undone.
Many are being asked to lean deeper inwards, unraveling the pain, the fear, the shame and grief. When we begin to unravel these layers, we begin to see how they protected us. We start to clear karmic and ancestral wounding because we are learning to embrace all of ourselves, as whole. This isn't about stuffing our emotions in the closet; it is about honoring all parts of ourselves as a whole and beautiful. Yes, even the dark, twisted stuff. This is where we start to seek help from other healers, guides, therapists and Shamans. This is where we invite our higher self in to guide us to a much bigger perspective. We are invited to get up close and personal with the dark face of the Divine GrandMother so she may show us exactly what we need to see, feel and embrace.
If we remain in the illusion, trauma keeps playing out, a vicious cycle of fear, greed and pain. If we do not learn to know and trust ourselves, we will become enslaved to the illusion forever.

We are being guided inwards towards our illusion in order to release the deep feminine wounding of the past, moving into the essence of the shakti to reclaim our sexual power and then into embodiment of the Great Divine mother.
Its time for our radical expansion into the next phase of humanity's evolution. It is time to unlock our magick, reclaim our power and fully integrate all aspects of Self.
It's time to anchor in the new paradigm of Earth.

The Blue Lotus Vine - Aya Codes

When Carolina was preparing the Ayahuasca tea for the first time, the spirit of the plant medicine asked her to add Blue lotus flower in her sacred portion to activate the sacredness of our heart.

The Lotus Flower is one of the most ancient and deepest symbols of our planet. It is the Symbol of Purity and Great Beauty. The roots of a lotus are in the mud, the stem grows up through the water, and the heavily scented flower lies pristinely above the water, basking in the sunlight.

This magnificent flower emerges from the dirty and unclean bottom of a pond, but still remains untouched and unstained by the dirt and mud surrounding it in the pond.

This pattern of growth signifies the progress of the soul from the primeval mud of materialism, through the waters of experience, and into the bright sunshine of enlightenment.

Because the lotus grows from the mud and finds its way through purifying water to open to the sunlight, the flower also is seen as a metaphor for the path of the individual toward enlightenment, ultimately representing the highest aspiration, seeking enlightenment for the sake of others.

The Blue Lotus Vine Aya Codes are a stream of consciousness appearing within the realms of the inner Earth and our sacred hearts. These codes are coming online as we have deep soul work with the great Grandmother. The Blue Lotus Vine Aya Codes are helping us to see the entire face of the GrandMother, the light and the dark within us all. We are making ourselves known at this time to share our story with the world, to help humanity remember the sacred work of the heart, bridging the realms of the Earth and Stars, birthing the New Era of Starseed children. As the work is initiated, humanity is begin shifting into higher frequencies of Divine Love, Divine Wisdom and Divine Healing, uniting all in Unity Consciousness. Reminding us that Unity is already here.
Those with the Blue Lotus Vine Aya Codes within their DNA structures are asked to lead the way to building this paradigm of the Divine GrandMother Aya Love. She is asking us to go deep within our soul to reclaim our lives and the planet.
"The totality of the face of GrandMother will be seen"
Trough the Sacred Journey, all the Ancient teachings come together and unite a field of LOVE and LIBERATION, protecting what is sacred, the Sacred Heart of the Earth.
Journeying with GrandMother Aya plant medicine, we anchore the new codes for the Golden Era. GrandMother help us to shift into a place where the people are one with the elements and nature. We honour ourselves as a Spirit of the Divine. We shift into higher states of consciousness. Some think we have been lost forever, yet we sharing the sacred space to awaken and anchor in Divine Love into the Sacred Heart of Humanity.
The dance of the Golden Era is beginning. Its time to wake up!
Our Next mission is upon us.

If you feel the calling of the Sacred GrandMother Aya Jungle to anchor in your DNA the Blue Lotus Vine Aya Codes, we invite you to book your private Shamanic Preparation Session and embark on a transformative journey with us.

Embrace the Sacred GrandMother Aya Jangle Within You

Uncover your dormant soul memories and unlock the collective wisdom within your DNA. Book your private Shamanic Preparation Session now.