“Imagine a life where the commitment to truth, peace, God, and reality never ended ; that it was a lifetime commitment. That’s what makes for a profound, beautiful life.”

The Edge of Your Own Evolution

Pictures Ceremonies


"Our sorrows and wounds are healed only when we touch them with compassion."

I wanted to mention that I am extremely impressed with Carolina. Right from the moment I met with her I felt I clicked with her.

From the preparation session to her card read before hand I felt really good about her being the one to be performing the ayahuasca ceremony.

I felt she was going above my expectations. Literally serving her ass off during the ceremony. Checking on everyone, making sure they were alright, coming around you would feel a touch on your arm and hear her say "don't worry I am here, you are not alone", things like that when you are in the middle of processing some of your deepest stuff. We started around 12:30 at night and the entire time leading up to that was healing in itself. What we all shared, all her prayers, our discussions. It was very well thought out, I was literally to the point that the following day I made a point of telling her how impressed I am with her and how she was during the ceremony.

Everything went well, I processed my trauma. I am currently in my integration period and going through transformation. I would absolutely use ayahuasca again and definitely with Carolina. I have already recommended her to others. She is a beautiful soul, very passionate about what she does, helping and healing others. You can feel it from her. It puts you at ease before, during and after the ceremony.

I hope you get a chance to work with Carolina.

Much love and light,

Corey Chappelle

Experience the Healing Power of the Jungle

Book your shamanic preparation session and embark on a magical, transformative journey of self-love & self-healing with the guidance and unconditional love of the feminine spirit medicine of the Jungle. Connect with your soul essence, heal your inner child and accelerate your Awakening process with the support of Carolina's incredible energy work.