Night Retreat Ceremonies - Grandmother Aya plant Spirit Medicine of the Jungle - Blue Lotus Vine Journey

Next Ceremony


Receiving confirmations until October 16th.

Attending PRIVATE PREPARATION SESSION October 17,18,19.

“It’s not about ‘letting it go’. It’s about letting it in. It’s about letting it deep. It’s about letting it through. It’s about being true to your feelings. It’s about giving your experiences the attention they deserve. And that may take a moment, or it may take some time . . . . Let’s let things in and through, until they are fully and truly ready to shift. Let’s let it grow into the transformation at its heart. We write our story by fully living it. Not by ‘letting it go’ before its time.”Jeff Brown


Aya as any other plant spirit medicine is a natural healing treatment.

Welcome to the sacred and magical Grandma Aya plant spirit Medicine of the Jungle - Night Retreat Ceremony; a transformative experience like no other. This powerful night retreat is celebrated with love and light, prepared with Carolina's heart for those who are answering Grandmother's calling.


“Something unexpected will come into your life to surprise you and transform everything when you journey with the sacred  plant spirit medicine from the jungle."

It will come from one moment to the next, bringing to you infinite possibilities of light and love, opening the doors to abundance, good and the best.
Abundance will flow like never before.
Wonderful news comes your way that magically surprise you. A huge and spectacular change will comes your way.
You will enjoyimmense happiness with her teachings and transformations.
You will have so much joy that everyone will be able to feel your joy.
Memories of scarcity will be erased from your system to activate the great awakening of abundance.
Life will offer amazing miracles...
She will bless you abundantly...
This is your time to start receiving something wonderful, that was always meant for you.
Just trust and say YES to her calling!
It is done!

Grandmother Aya the Queen of the jungle 🌹

Coming back to our hearts is one of the most beautiful journeys that we can experience and gift ourselves in this lifetime, especially in the company of Grandmother's plant spirit and her wisdom, power, activation, healing, unconditional love, and protection, supporting us in every step of the way in a totally safe container.

What to Expect

Our ceremonies take place in a magical Yurt, surrounded by the lush greenery of nature. You will be guided by the Master Shaman Carolina through a series of transformative rituals and experiences, all designed to help you connect with your inner self and experience a profound spiritual awakening.


“Grandmother Jungle will restore your power, inner knowing, inner authority and soul light. She will help bring you completely home to yourself. Her teachings will shape shift your mind driven reality into a powerful, fierce, wise, loving creation experience of the heart and soul. She will assist you in moving beyond the illusion of ordinary life into a magic of creating what your heart desires.”

To be our own healers, we must look into our wounds, not turn away from them or try to ignore them. Doing so takes bravery and stamina, but it’s only when we understand our wounds and heal them that we transform our lives. Our lives ask us to die and to be reborn every time we confront change – change within ourselves and change in the world. When we descend all the way down to the bottom of a loss, and dwell patiently, with an open heart, in the darkness and pain, we can bring back up with us the sweetness of life and the exhilaration of inner growth.
When there is nothing left to lose, we find the true self – the self that is whole, the self that is enough, the self that no longer looks to others for definition, or completion, or anything but companionship on the journey.

Grandmother Aya Jungle is calling you now, seeking to bestow gifts of life upon you.
Be bold and brave, open your arms and receive. She is know as the sustainer of life, able to restore, nourish and bring life to parts of us that are ready to receive more clarity and healing, you will be able to recognize this in any discomfort that you are currently experiencing in your life.

Group of Max 10 People

What is included:

* Journey with 2 doses of the Sacred Medicine - Carolina's energy work and guidance through Energy Healing Activation (DNA Light Code Activation) before, during and after ceremony. 

  1. *One hour Private Preparation Shamanic Healing Session a week before Ceremony where you will receive insights and clarity about your life experiences and energy connected with emotional blockages and past lives.  Through the preparation session the healing starts before the ceremony. Also Information about the Ceremony and diet are shared during the session. Answering questions.
  2. * One hour Private Post Shamanic Healing session after Ceremony during integration process, where we ground the journey  bring more healing, clarity and understanding to the experience connected with each one daily life. (grounding energy through insights and realizations).
  3. *The ceremony starts Saturday at 8:00 pm. (please check the schedule for the next ceremony)
  4. * The ceremony is happening in a Yurt located in a Sacred Land ( beautiful nature) 20 min outside of Edmonton City including one night sleeping in the yurt (address will be shared during preparation session)
  5. * After the journey we share together a delicious vegan soup to warm up our body and boost our energy
  6. *Sunday at 7:30 am, starting morning finalization of the Ceremony followed with Breakfast. 

Price $ 333.00 CAD/person

Answering The Sacred Calling

Many people ask me;

What is the frequency for communing,
I can say that there is no recipe, it's about be open to receive without expectations but with an open heart ready to give love to yourself and be there for you, for your inner child, for your pain and moments of doubts, It's about trust in the sacredness of the medicine, feeling save and protected by the hands of the Universe.

what exists is your objective and heart intentions in communing with the plant spirit medicine?

What is your goal at this present moment?

what is your freedom? 

You want to have a new experience, a special moment connecting with the unseen realms and light beings, you want to experience the expansion of your consciousness, connect with your heart & higher self, understand your life experiences, bring more clarity,  healing and understanding about past events, you feel curious, you want to work on your spiritual gifts, you want to open your third vision and receive more inner guidance, you want to feel more confident, you want to better understand who you are and what is your calling for this life time, do you want to wake up, do you want to cure addictions, do you want to cure syndromes, heal traumas and live life with more joy and peace ...

For now I will say what the sacred plant spirit medicine is for me.

❤️Grandmother Aya is a powerful, wise, wild and caring feminine plant spirit it is a sacred medicine that holds powerful wisdom and sacred knowledge, it's a practice of self-knowledge, it's a PATH where I study peoples energy and my energy as well, I  feel, learn and heal myself with everyone. It’s an opportunity to be the our own master. It’s an opportunity to coming back to our sacred heart and say yes to ourselves, it's about to see the blessings in disguise. 

Journey with the sacred plant spirit medicine is a path that accelerates the expansion of our consciousness, receiving knowledge and guidance through self commitment. It's a journey of self love, self healing and self mastery. It's about being more aware of how we are perceiving and creating our reality. How we are responding to life. 

The advantage is that our body receives DNAlight code activations, knowledge and informations direct from the source, helping us understand and put it into practice in our life. 

Those who experience this path and seek their true being enters the unknown world where all the answers can be found within. It’s a magical world where unconditional love is felt trough the open hearts.

Becoming Master of yourself.

Most people do not enter this path because the ego manipulates in every way creating fears, situations, conflicts, creating excuses not to be unmasked and misconfigured.

 I will talk more about the ego system in our shamanic preparation session, for now I say...
The ego doesn't want to lose control and that's why it will do everything so that you don't understand that the path of awakening with grandmother Aya is not a joke it's WORK It's Delivery, it's commitment, it's plunging headlong into a horizon where each experience is a new landscape to be contemplated, learned, appreciated and experienced with respect; 
and open the windows, the doors of an existence forgotten by millions of years of manipulation.

And you, what do you want?
Stay on shallow steps, or delve into the depths of the universe that You are!

If you're in a hurry and want to dive headlong into a process of self-discovery, surrender and an intense and true experience in the awakening process, enter the fifth dimension and understand who you are and what is your freedom to really enjoy your present moment and see through the veils of illusion, I recommend Grandmother Aya Jungle Night Retreat Ceremony-Blue Lotus Vine Journey with Carolina's guidance, you will feel supported and loved in every step of the way... the way to your heart.

The time is now, the day is today.
Invest your time in finding answers, question, be committed to grow, love and heal yourself without judgements. 

We are in a planetary moment, where there is no more time to play at being a spiritualist, there is no time to skate in the same place... there is no more time to leave it for tomorrow, for later.
The planet is in a crucial moment of receiving powerful activations and there is ONLY one way... to wake up... wake up for who we are and get our power back! We deserve!

“Diving into powerful energies in order to gain inner strength and inner power.”


When the unseen realms calls you, it is a life changing experience. It is not always easy but the rewards for those brave enough to answer the calling are tremendous indeed.

The rewards are a life lived more fearlessly, the gift of loving and being just who you are in truth, without having to impress or bow to another out of fear or rejection. It is a more open and expansive way to live and it attracts the bounty of Mother Nature, her gifts of love, opportunity, peace and prosperity, well-being and wisdom. It takes a strong soul to go through this test and into the liberation it delivers, but you are ready, dear Initiate of the Light.
Working with the shadow, the parts of us that we have deemed unlovable or the parts that seem too marvellous to actually be us requires courage.
Grandmother Aya will call you when your own shadow needs healing and integration, when something within is holding you back when instead, if acknowledged and brought into the light of awareness, it could actually help you move forward.

Grandmother Aya spirit medicine and our Master shaman Carolina will support and nurture you through the tests. She will guide you to receive the gift of more of yourself, no longer shackled in fear and hidden away, but ready to be in the world, with brightness and vigorously.

Experience Grandmother's Wisdom

During the Aya Jungle night retreat ceremony, you will have the opportunity to connect with the wisdom of the Queen of the jungle, experiencing her power, activation, teachings and unconditional love. This journey will provide deep healing and transformation, allowing you to reconnect with your true self and embrace a life of love, harmony, and abundance.

Dive deep into your soul 

Purging Process 

Answering the most basic questions

Join Us for a Profound Journey. Be committed to manifest your dreams with us.

Embark on a transformative adventure to reconnect with your heart and experience the magic of Grandmother's wisdom. Say yes to your heart calling!