Welcome to Natural Healing Organic Lifestyle

Discover a world of energy healing that will transform your everyday life.

Natural Healing Organic Lifestyle offers this for you amazing soul

A fusion of healing Products, Private Shamanic Healing Sessions and Ceremonies that brings clarity and understanding, healing and life force energy activation to your life experiences - shamanic Massage with Ancient Oil and kundalini Flow Activation (Cleansing and Purification of the Chakras), relationships healing and Mentoring for times of overwhelm, stress, anxiety, ascention, and so much more. 

Know more about us and see if you resonate with our shamanic services. Be curious!

we will be more than happy to serve connect and work with you.

Embracing self-kindness is an ongoing journey that requires patience, understanding, and a deep appreciation for your uniqueness.

Natural Healing Organic Lifestyle is here to inspire you to treat yourself with the same love and compassion you offer to others. Remember, the relationship with yourself sets the tone for all other relationships in your life, so be kind, be gentle, and be loving to yourself always.

Shamanic Healing Services

 Natural Care Products

Discover the power of ancient medicine with our range of Ancient healing  oils and herbs. Our products are made with sustainable and organic ingredients, sourced with care to bring you the frequency of the heart. From creams and deodorants to roots in capsules and more, we offer natural care products to bring energy healing into your everyday life.


1) Tantra Sessions individual or couple;

2) Shamanic Massage with Ancient Oil & kundalini spine flow Activation

3) Shamanic Healing Sessions with Intuitive Body Scan & Intuitive Card Reading 



Experience the ancient wisdom and healing power of Shamanic Healing Sessions with Life Force Sexual Energy Activation  to restore and balance your mind, body and spirit.

If you feel stuck in any area of your life... and you feel like you've got an invisible block stopping you from experiencing more happiness, peace, abundance, joy, or love in your life, then you need to experience an Energy Clearing and Healing session.

IMAGINE this… YOU… receiving energy clearing, unblocking, healing and activating sessions from ME… where I remove the biggest energy blocks that have been holding you back from the life you want.

Ultimately, it will bring you back to your ultimate and highest vibration.

A new version of you where life starts happening for you and you get catapulted to a life full of abundance, joy, love, clarity, peace, purpose, and everything you need.

You will walk away a different person.

… In all the best of ways because we spend 1.5 hours removing the biggest blocks holding you back and lowering your vibration… so that your vibration shoots UP…

And a lot of problems simply can’t exist OR they immediately solve themselves in a high vibration when we resonate with the informations and guidance that the universe brings to us.

When your vibration is high, there’s nothing you can’t create… no block you can’t breakthrough… for the highest good of all!

I can confidently say that life just won’t be the same afterwards… in all the best ways, and I can’t wait to meet the version of you after this shift happens.

Energy Healing Ceremonies

Join us for our shamanic healing ceremonies that bring the power of energy healing into your everyday life. Through rituals and practices focused on restoring your energy and promoting holistic well-being, these ceremonies provide a unique opportunity to connect with your inner self and experience deep healing.

Workshop Master Classes

Together, you and I can serve as guides, nurturing an environment where our innermost needs can be acknowledged and met. Remember, the journey of healing and integration is ongoing and can be found in every moment.

At Natural Healing Organic Lifestyle, we are dedicated to serving the world through our shamanic services and ceremonies. Whether you're looking for energy healing workshops, healing sessions, or masterclasses, we offer a range of transformative experiences to help you manifest your goals and fulfill your dreams.

Dance is a form of ancestral memory coded in our DNA. It's storytelling archived in the form of movement. 

Transform Your Life Today

"Each soul has its own wounds and issues that need attention and each has its unique range of gifts that are needed in the world. Gifted and wounded, wise and crosswise, the human soul carries its complexities and seeks to unfold them." Michael Maeda

Take the first step towards holistic well-being and natural healing with the Assistance of Carolina.

Be the Master of your Destiny!